Gold Medalist MD Ac.,M.Ac,S.I.Jaipur M.I.C.C.M.Delhi M.I.C.Ac.Beijing Acupuncture Specialist
Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar, U.K
Dr. B. S. Taneja Gold Medalist MD Ac., M. Ac, S. I. Jaipur M.I.C. C.M. Delhi M.I.C.Ac.Beijing Acupuncture Specialist Basically an Ayurvedic Physician Awarded Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery.In1981 Post Graduation Degree in Clinical Psychology from Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar, U.K. In1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy M.D, Acupuncture. He is successfully practicing Acupuncture for last 30 years. On the occasion of 1st International Congress of Alternative Medicines held on World AIDS day1stDec,1993 at Park Hotel Calcutta, was awarded Gold Medal in recognition of his dedicated services in the field of Psychotherapy & Acupuncture by Indian Board of Alternative Medicines. Another Gold Medal to Dr. B. S. Taneja was awarded by Mrs .Renuka Chowdhary Honorable Union Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare Govt. of India New Delhi, on the eve of 2nd World Congress of Complementary Healing Systems Jan16th to18th in1998.I.M.A.hall.I .P. Estate, New Delhi, India.
Research Interest
Ayurveda, Acupuncture