Acupuncture and Naturotherapy

Acupuncture and Naturotherapy

Acupuncture is one of the types of alternative medicine. The process of acupuncture includes insertion of thin needles into the body. It is a fundamental component of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). We can say that acupuncture is a scientific belief called the pseudoscience. There are a variety of acupuncture theories that are based on various philosophies and techniques depending upon the diverse country division. This technique is mostly used as an analgesic (pain relief). Acupuncture is generally used in combination with other methods of treatment. Naturopathy can be defined as the health system that utilizes alternate therapies which helps the body heal. These therapies can range from lifestyle changes such as nutrition and exercise to homeopathy.


  • Modern Medical Practices
  • Nature Cures
  • Traditional Neuropaths
  • Evidence-Based Practices
  • Herbalism
  • Massage Therapy
  • Hydrotherapy

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